Category: News

ISAN inter-school basic level oratory competition completed

A district-level Oratory competition organized by the Institutional Schools Association Nepal (ISAN) Bhaktapur District Committee and coordinated with Bright Star English School was recently completed among the students of ISAN-affiliated schools. The competition, which was organized with the aim of bringing out the inherent talent of the students, was held among the students of classes […]

The “2nd J7 Futsal Championship” to Celebrate Children’s Day

Bhaktapur, Nepal – In a vibrant showcase of athleticism and camaraderie, the Institutional Schools’ Association Nepal (ISAN) Bhaktapur District Committee is set to organize the highly anticipated “2nd J7 Futsal Championship” in celebration of National Children’s Day. The event will kick off on Tuesday 25th  Bhadra 2081, featuring 11 participating school teams from across the […]

Honoring Students, Teachers, and Staff by Bhaktapur ISAN

Institutional Schools’ Association Nepal (ISAN) has organized a program to honor students, teachers, and staff. The event was organized by the Bhaktapur District Committee of Institutional Schools’ Association Nepal (ISAN). The program honored students who excelled in their respective schools in the academic year 2080 BS (Nepali calendar) and teachers and staff members who have […]

Himalayan Glory First in Quiz Contest

Himalayan Glory English School has won first place in the “ISAN Inter-School Level Quiz Contest” organized by the Institutional Schools Association Nepal, Nepal (ISAN), an umbrella organization of active institutional schools with the main slogan of “unity for academic excellent”, and co-ordinated by Wiseland English Secondary School. 12 schools from Bhaktapur district participated in the […]

Project Work Expo: Showcases Student Talent

The Himalayan Glory English School recently hosted its annual Project Work Expo, a delightful display of the remarkable projects completed by students from grades one to nine. With a focus on subjects such as local curriculum, mathematics, science, social studies, English, and even arts and crafts, the expo demonstrated the diverse skills and knowledge of […]

हिमालयन ग्लोरीमा अभिभावक भेला सम्पन्न

शनिबार असार ३०, भक्तपुर ।। हिमालयन ग्लोरी इङ्गलिश स्कूलको आयोजनामा शनिबार एक अभिभावक भेला सम्पन्न भयो । विद्यालयको नियमित स्काउट कक्षामा सहभागी हुने विद्यार्थीहरुका अभिभावकहरुको लागि उक्त भेला आयोजना गरिएको थियो । विद्यालय स्काउट अन्तर्गत स–साना नानीहरुको लागि पनि कब तथा ब्राउन आउल स्काउट कक्षा यसै सत्र बाट शुरुगर्ने जानकारी दिनु हुँदै उक्त भेलामा विद्यालयका […]

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