Peer Group in Education
A peer group is a group of students who have similar characteristics to one another. Children can develop a variety of important social-emotional chops, similar as empathy, cooperation, and problem- working ways, in the environment of peer connections. Bullying, exclusion, and deviant peer behaviors are just a few examples of how peer relationships can have a negative impact on a child’s social and emotional development.
One of the biggest influences on students in school is peer relationships. Peer interactions are equally crucial to a child’s development and morals, even though parents and teachers play significant roles in these areas. Children interact with their classmates frequently both inside and outside of the classroom. Children learn important social skills and define their place in the world through these interactions.
Here, we will think about the benefits of Peer group in education.

1. Academic achievement
Peer group helps students achieve higher levels of academic achievement. Students will be engaged and motivated in the learning process. This helps to ensure that each student receives personalized assistance. More individualized instruction will assist them in meeting the course’s learning objectives. It assists them in developing a firm grasp of the materials of their studies.
2. Positive attitude
Peer group influences students’ attitudes toward what they learn in the classroom and the learning process. Peer collaboration in a learning environment can benefit students’ social-emotional development. It fosters self-esteem and a positive attitude toward learning.
3. The ability to freely share ideas
Peer group provides a forum for learners to share new ideas. They gain strength and focus by sharing their ideas in an open and unbiased environment. Their ideas will be analyzed in the group in new ways.
4. Improves communication skills
Peer groups help students improve their communication skills. It is an excellent venue for engaging in meaningful conversations and discussions. In this group, students can participate and express themselves more freely. When they interact with a peer, they are more comfortable and open.
5. Promotes social competence
Peer groups help to develop social competence. Peer groups promote social learning because students learn a lot by explaining their ideas to others. Learners have similar conversations, which allows for better understanding. This allows them to solve problems and fosters teamwork.
Thank you every one. Best wishes.
Dr. Sajeev M S