1. Continually examine your instructional practices.
(A reflective teacher is always improving)
2. Communicate a sense of urgency.
(cut out unproductive activities. Keep expectations high, monitor progress closely, and give students the supports they need before they fail)
3. Communicate high expectations while recognizing students’ needs.
(Communicate that you believe they can succeed, and differentiate instruction to meet individual needs)
4. Keep increasing your knowledge.
(Adopt a “lifelong learner” mindset. The more you know, the more your students will get profit)
5. Recognize the positive intent behind challenging behavior
(Redirect students to more appropriate ways to reach their goals)
6. Focus on the 3 Cs__
(be a caring, creative, and courageous teacher)
7. Tell your students why they should learn what you are teaching.
(Answer the question what do you find in your teaching subject for yourself?)
8. Consider doing the opposite of what your feel like doing.
(When you feel like screaming at a noisy class, whisper – students will have to quiet down to hear what you’re saying)
9. Engage your students in the classroom community.
(by giving them jobs and roles and providing them with multiple opportunities to interact with peers as they learn)
10. Model what you want to see in your students.
(Kindness, respect, thoughtfulness, and enthusiasm for learning)