A district-level Oratory competition organized by the Institutional Schools Association Nepal (ISAN) Bhaktapur District Committee and coordinated with Bright Star English School was recently completed among the students of ISAN-affiliated schools. The competition, which was organized with the aim of bringing out the inherent talent of the students, was held among the students of classes […]
Honoring Students, Teachers, and Staff by Bhaktapur ISAN
Institutional Schools’ Association Nepal (ISAN) has organized a program to honor students, teachers, and staff. The event was organized by the Bhaktapur District Committee of Institutional Schools’ Association Nepal (ISAN). The program honored students who excelled in their respective schools in the academic year 2080 BS (Nepali calendar) and teachers and staff members who have […]
Project Work Expo: Showcases Student Talent
The Himalayan Glory English School recently hosted its annual Project Work Expo, a delightful display of the remarkable projects completed by students from grades one to nine. With a focus on subjects such as local curriculum, mathematics, science, social studies, English, and even arts and crafts, the expo demonstrated the diverse skills and knowledge of […]
10 Teaching Tips for Teachers
1. Continually examine your instructional practices. (A reflective teacher is always improving) 2. Communicate a sense of urgency. (cut out unproductive activities. Keep expectations high, monitor progress closely, and give students the supports they need before they fail) 3. Communicate high expectations while recognizing students’ needs. (Communicate that you believe they can succeed, and differentiate […]
Kamal Shwori Suwal Importance of CHILD-FRIENDLY TEACHING A child is a potter’s raw clay or a new plant. A potter makes the clay into a suitable vessel and like a farmer gives a plant a kind of support, the same way the children of today will grow into beautiful plants if they are given good […]
“In Search of Light”: a Book Review
By Sagar Sainju (2068 B.S.) In order to present a book-review among you, I searched on many books in our school library. From among all, what I found the most inspiring and commendable book is, “In Search of Light.” This book is inspired by the, people’s Movement in Nepal 2062/63 B.S. and written with the […]
Review of Story “Alice in Wonderland”
Bilam Suwal (2070 B.S.) I have read a lot of story from lots of libraries. From my school library, I have also read many good and interesting stories. Among them I liked the most was “Alice in Wonderland”. That story was written by ‘Lewis Carroll’ and published by “EKTA Graded Readers”. In the story Alice […]
I Wish ………(A Student’s Wish)
Sarala Deshemaru (SEE Graduate 2074 B.S.) “ I suppose that there’s always commodity to be happy from enjoying commodity that we like doing or being with the people that make us happy ”. Indeed the simplest thing in life makes us smile and feel happy. It’s said that we must acclimate with what we have. […]
Generation Gap (Me and My Grandfather)
Kolan Karmacharya Generation is a group of individual having simultaneously a status which each one holds only for a limited period. And generation gap is a different opinion, thoughts and feelings between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics and values. In the context of today, usage, generation gap refers to the gap between younger […]
ठूलो मान्छे होइन, असल मान्छे बन्नुपर्छ – डा. अनुपमा श्रेष्ठ
ठूलो मान्छे भन्दा असल मान्छे नै परिवार, समाज, देश वा राष्ट्र र विश्व जगतलाई आवश्यक पर्दछ । मेरो बुबाको एकजना साथी हुनुहुन्छ शान्तदास मानन्धर । उहाँलाई एक पटक मेरो बुबाले सोध्नु भएको थियो, तपाईंको छोरोलाई डाक्टर वा ईञ्जिनियर के बनाउनु हुन्छ ? उहाँले तत्काल जवाफ दिनु भयो, म मेरो छोरालाई असल मान्छे बनाउन चाहन्छु । […]